Friday, March 07, 2008


(In the above photo Dr Shakuntala Gheewala,sitting in second row third from right reading and Balvant Puranik sitting in second row fourth from left.)
(71st Session)

DR Shakuntala Gheewala gave very interesting talk on the various problems faced by Seniors in India and America. She also briefed how they go through hardship in their lives.
Dhanu Siva spoke on the various award winning Indian cinemas and stars thereon. He had also collected very interesting information regarding award winning/outstanding Hollywood Movies.
Balvant Puranik also gave very interesting talk on "The issues of urbanization in the world and solutions thereof"
Then some Entertainment.
The program was well received by the members.
(The above program was coordinated by A Narayanaswami, M Santhnam and C G Desai in the absence of Bharat Desai.)

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